帝国增加字段提示Row size too large 是什么问题?怎么解决?(付解决方法)
帝国CMS模板后台里面增加字段提示Row size too large 是什么问题呢?要怎么解决呢?相信很多的帝国秘们都有过类似的问题,下面帝国模板网来为大家分享如何解决!
Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs alter table ***_ecms_infoclass_info add zz_jdtype text not null,add z_jdtype varchar(255) not null,add qz_jdtype varchar(255) not null,add save_jdtype varchar(10) not null;